WHAT: SJRNA General Meeting
REGARDING: Annual budget and officer elections for 2021.
WHEN: Jul 3, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)Register in advance for this meeting: Register for the ZOOM meeting (https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvd-ioqDooGtNrOXzg8D5ZSSaJqM8wvqhK) After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- 2021 SJRNA proposed budget
- 2021 Slate of candidates for the 2021 board. (we can accept additional nominations up to and during the meeting)
- President: OPEN
- Vice President/Membership: Randy Schackmann (incumbent)
- Treasurer: Mike Campbell
- Secretary: OPEN
- Beautification: Suzanna Dooling (incumbent)
- Safety and Outreach: OPEN
- Newsletter: Ferdi Cinco (incumbent)
- Technology: Mike Dooling (incumbent)
Online Meeting July 3rd. We tried to register for Zoom meeting. We did not receive the confirmation with the Code. However, we will try again and to be sure he is in Google Chrome. If that does not work, we will be in contact with you later today. Regarding Membership, we never received a paper invoice. We did see the signs to prompt us to pay dues that go in the mail today. We were unsure if the board decided not to do a mail out. That is okay with us, but was curious.
Search your email for an email with a subject line = “SJRNA General Meeting Confirmation”. When you register, you get a response with a personal link and code. You may have to register for a Zoom account if you don’t already have one, and be logged-in when you click the link.